Monday, October 3, 2011

Eat Three Killer Diseases

A healthy diet is very important to everyday life, but unfortunately, many people develop problems with body image with prevent this healthy eating lifestyle. Eating disorders vary greatly from person to person, but one thing remains constant: they are very harmful to the health of a person. If you or someone you know suffers from an eating disorder, it is important to seek help as soon as possible.

The first type of eating disorder, a person may develop is anorexia. Anorexia occurs when a person is overly concerned with weight and simply refuses to eat. Someone suffering from this disease usually try to hide it, giving the food without anyone knowing, cut food into small pieces to make it look smaller, or lying to skip entire meals. Anorexia is dangerous because it allows a person to lose weight healthy. Cutting fat from your diet is good, but not enough protein, vitamins, minerals, water and other nutrients can make your body lose muscle weight and weaken.

Another important type of eating disorder is bulimia. As you can see a person with anorexia lose much weight in a hurry, a person with bulimia may or may not be losing weight. If a person has bulimia, he or she has the power to place the food, it vomits or uses laxatives after eating to rid the body of these foods. Like anorexia, which can deprive the body of essential nutrients, and can also lead to problems in the digestive system, throat and mouth, which are not made to control the vomiting.

The third main type of eating disorder is binge eating. This is a combination of anorexia and bulimia in many cases. Binge eating is like bulimia, does not take himself or his food. In fact, one is a binge eater eats huge amounts of food in one sitting, and often these foods do not have a high nutritional value. Instead of vomiting, binge eating, then refuse to eat at all, and sports tight for a day or two, but then slip into a binge again. This causes serious problems for the weight.

Eating disorders can affect men only and women and people of any race, ethnicity or age. In most cases, victims of eating disorders are adolescent and young adults. Many people die each year due to complications with eating disorders, but if you or someone you know suffers from this problem, help is available.

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