Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Importance of Healthy Eating

Have you ever thought about what you want to eat? In a strict sense, certainly never crossed, because if you eat healthy food then you chance to be a healthy person. Foods that we ingest are critical to helping our growing capabilities, maintain the function of endurance, and prevent various diseases. Therefore, if you value your health, you should learn as much about healthy eating.

Healthy eating is an important menu starting from the moment we're born. As a child, we will grow quite rapidly due to some of the foods we eat. Foods contain nutrients that provide us not only as a combustion material for our daily lives, but also coupled with a substance that is very useful to build up our bones, muscles, organs and tissues of our body. By not getting enough nutrients or other substances required to cause various problems, including slowing the growth and development of our bodies. For mothers who are breastfeeding, consumption of nutrients is very important because breast milk contains nutrients that are desperately needed a child to grow and develop properly. After rising adults, these nutrients could then be found in many foods, but please do not think that eating healthy is not so important for your growth in times of puberty. Cells that continued to break down and rebuild, so healthy food in order for growth continues to be very important to the elderly.

Maintaining fitness and health functions is not important without healthy eating. In everyday life, we need energy to think, walk, talk, breathe, and perform other activities. The energy required to complete our bodies obtained from two places: fat reserves in our own bodies and our food intake daily. If you do not eat healthy foods, your body needs to store more fat as needed, and if you do not get enough reserves and intake then you will feel sluggish or weak. Along with the energy providing nutrients, like fats and carbohydrates, we also need the right nutrients to allow our organs to do their job. Hormones and other substances in the body must be ensured that all befungsi correctly. If you do not eat the right nutrients, your body can not produce the appropriate hormones, as a result, the organs of your body can not function properly.

Lastly, eating healthy is important to prevent disease. When we are not getting proper nutrition, the body's natural defense system against disease will be weakened, so that viruses and bacteria can invade the body. Can be equated with military training if the food is insufficient, then it will not be able to do a good job let alone in combat. Without healthy foods and drink plenty of water, our bodies will not be optimal daily. So learn how to get healthy food, and most important is that we must begin medidik children to learn healthy food.

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